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Organization & Functions

    The Office consists of 7 sections/offices, including Civil Affairs Section, Social Affairs and Economic Development Section, Military Service Section, Secretariat, Personnel Office, Accounting Office and Government Ethics Office


    *  Civil Affairs Section * 

    Self-government, election, mediation administration, land administration, health insurance, community administration, burial and cemetery management, environment and health, compulsory education, civil defense and aboriginal affairs, and other matters related to civil affairs.

    *  Social Affairs Section * 

    Social welfare, labor administration, cooperative business, social relief, disaster relief, social movement, employment guidance, community development and guidance to civil organizations.


    *  Military Service and disaster prevention​ Section * 

    Military service, national guard management, conscription, military duty, reserve force management , disaster prevention and rescue training and preparation.

    Market, industrial & commerce, weights and measures, finance & tax, witness & notarization, public works, public utilities, agriculture, forestry, fishery and farming survey, agricultural promotion, regeneration of farm villages, and maintenance of road lights.


    *  Secretariat * 

    Research, development and evaluation, official seal, paperwork, archiving, general affairs, laws & regulations, information management, cashier, meeting, convenient services, and any matters other than those handled by the other sections/offices.


    *  Accounting Office * 

    Processing of budgets, accounting and statistics pursuant to laws.


    *  Personnel Office * 

    Processing of personnel management matters pursuant to laws.


    *  Government Ethics Office * 

    Processing of government ethics-related matters pursuant to laws.






